About me

Okay, letā€™s get personalā€¦

Hey, I'm James - a wedding photographer and videographer in Devon. Thanks for dropping by!

Photo Credit: Simon Day

When I'm not busy shooting weddings, you'll find me pumping iron at the gym, hanging out with my lovely lady, or maybe sipping on a cold one at a local beer garden. Oh, did I mention I also juggle a full-time job with vulnerable adults and run a commercial videography business on the side? So yeah, I guess you could say Iā€™m a pretty busy guy!

Now, being a photographer means I have an undeniable obsession with taking photos. Especially the ones that make me look good on the 'gram. Shirtless Ibiza pics, anyone? But here's the deal: I'm all about keeping it real and building a genuine connection. So, forget the professional mumbo jumbo and hit me up on my personal. Let's be friends! Trust me, when we vibe, the photos and videos turn out even more amazing. Plus, we'll be hanging out for over 10 hours, so it's essential we click.

But enough about me, let's focus on you, the real VIP here. I want to hear your love story, your wild wedding plans, and your wildest photo and video dreams. I'm all ears, ready to guide you and create an experience that screams "you." So, if you're searching for a wedding paparazzo and video whiz who's passionate, creative, and doesn't take life too seriously, look no further.

So let's grab a coffee (or a pint), and chat about your big day!

So, you want the lowdown on yours truly? Well, brace yourself for some camera nerd confessions. I've been obsessed with capturing life's Kodak moments since I was knee-high to a tripod. Some people outgrow their childhood passions, but not me - I've held on tight to my camera and never let go. And guess what? That means I'm pretty darn amazing at this gig!

Now, let me spill the beans on how I stumbled into the world of weddings. It's all thanks to my incredible girlfriend, who happens to be a wedding planner. She got me an "in" and, boy, did I run with it! Frankly, I never thought I'd end up in the wedding biz, but once I started snapping shots, I was hooked. There's something truly magical about capturing those one-of-a-kind moments, and seeing the lovebirds' faces light up when I deliver the final masterpiece - it's a feeling that can't be topped.

About Me

Okay, letā€™s get personalā€¦

Hey, I'm James - a wedding photographer and videographer in Devon. Thanks for dropping by!

Photo Credit: Simon Day

ā€‹So, you want the lowdown on yours truly? Well, brace yourself for some camera nerd confessions. I've been obsessed with capturing life's Kodak moments since I was knee-high to a tripod. Some people outgrow their childhood passions, but not me - I've held on tight to my camera and never let go. And guess what? That means I'm pretty darn amazing at this gig!

Now, let me spill the beans on how I stumbled into the world of weddings. It's all thanks to my incredible girlfriend, who happens to be a wedding planner. She got me an "in" and, boy, did I run with it! Frankly, I never thought I'd end up in the wedding biz, but once I started snapping shots, I was hooked. There's something truly magical about capturing those one-of-a-kind moments, and seeing the lovebirds' faces light up when I deliver the final masterpiece - it's a feeling that can't be topped.

When I'm not busy shooting weddings, you'll find me pumping iron at the gym, hanging out with my lovely lady, or maybe sipping on a cold one at a local beer garden. Oh, did I mention I also juggle a full-time job with vulnerable adults and run a commercial videography business on the side. So yeah, you could say Iā€™m a pretty busy guy!

Now, being a photographer means I have an undeniable obsession with taking photos. Especially the ones that make me look good on the 'gram. Shirtless Ibiza pics, anyone? But here's the deal: I'm all about keeping it real and building a genuine connection. So, forget the professional mumbo jumbo and hit me up on my personal. Let's be friends! Trust me, when we vibe, the photos and videos turn out even more amazing. Plus, we'll be hanging out for over 10 hours, so it's essential we click.

But enough about me, let's focus on you, the real VIP here. I want to hear your love story, your wild wedding plans, and your wildest photo and video dreams. I'm all ears, ready to guide you and create an experience that screams "you." So, if you're searching for a wedding paparazzo and video whiz who's passionate, creative, and doesn't take life too seriously, look no further.

So let's grab a coffee (or a pint), and chat about your big day!